Dress Code
Polite and orderly clothes
- Self Identification
- If you are a Malaysian citizen you are required to bring your Identity Card/Birth Certificate. If you are a foreign citizen you are required to bring your International Passport or related documents.
- Government Members - Please bring with you the department's authorization card and related documents.
- Company Owner - Submit the Company Registration Certificate and related documents.
- Company Representative - Letter of Representation must be brought along.
- Property Owners - Please verify the grant and related documents.
- Sick Certificate- Make sure the sick certificate states that you are unwell to attend Court.
- A witness is someone who will testify about a fact related to the case in question. A person served with a court subpoena is a witness and he must appear in court to testify.
- If he fails to appear, an Arrest Warrant can be issued against him. The purpose of the witness appearing before the Court is to present oral or documentary evidence about a fact so that the Court can make a decision based on the evidence - Evidence given.
- Confirm the date/time and place of the hearing (Please refer to the subpoena).
- If you are required to submit any such documents be prepared and brought on the day of the hearing. Plan your journey, so that you reach the Court before 9.00 am.
- You should be well dressed, polite and not conspicuous.
- Use understandable language to give evidence. (An interpreter will be provided for languages other than Bahasa Malaysia).
- Take the oath in the witness box in a loud and clear voice while raising your right hand to shoulder level. Present the identity card/authority card/passport through the Interpreter for reference and Court records.
- Listen carefully to the Prosecutor's / Lawyer's questions and answer only what is asked. If there are any questions that are not understood or are not clear, seek clarification.
- Make sure the answer/information given is honest and true. Witnesses are bound by an oath to tell the truth.
- Bring together the documents that will be presented to the witness stand. Get permission from the Court if you want to refer to the document.
- If the evidence has not been completed/witnesses have not had time to testify, please make sure that the date of the resumption of the trial is noted because the witness must appear on that date.
- Be in the courtroom before 9.00 am or at the time set by the court.
- Stand up and bow respectfully when the Judge/Magistrate enters and leaves the courtroom.
- Come forward when your name is called by the interpreter.
- Give your full attention to the ongoing proceedings.
- It is forbidden to make noise while the court is in session.
- Bow respectfully when entering and leaving the court in session.
- Children are not allowed to be brought into the courtroom unless ordered by the court.
- Weapons of any kind are not allowed.
- Any recording whether in audio or visual form is not permitted.
- Cell phones and other electronic devices that can produce noise should be turned off.
What is a Power of Attorney
Power of Attorney is an instrument appointing a representative by the Power of Attorney to the Power of Attorney for a specific purpose.
Authorization can be made generally or specifically with the authority given either revocable or irrevocable authority according to the respective needs/conditions.
The appointment of Power of Attorney/Power of Attorney must be clearly stated in the Power of Attorney document.
Who Can Register a Power of Attorney Document.
Either the Power of Attorney or the Power of Attorney register themselves or are represented by a Lawyer in registration matters by submitting an application for the registration of the document at the counter of the Power of Attorney Registry Office, High Court of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur or any High Court Registry Office throughout Peninsular Malaysia.
Language of Registrable Power of Attorney.
Under the Act a Power of Attorney that wants and is eligible to be registered, must be in the National Language or English version.
The Act also gives flexibility to the use of other languages on the condition that the copy of the Power of Attorney must be accompanied by a translation into the National Language or English and must be certified by an Interpreter on duty in the Court or through a Statutory Declaration from them who is qualified to translate from the language in which the instrument is written.
Confirmation of Signature/Accusation on the Power of Attorney
Signed in West Malaysia
If the Power of Attorney is executed in West Malaysia, it must be authenticated by any of the following officers:
- Magistrate
- Conciliator
- Land administrator
- Public Witness
- Commissioner of Oaths
- Advocates and Solicitors practicing in West Malaysia
- Officers of the Company who carry out the duties of a bank registered under the written Laws of Malaysia
- Signed Outside West Malaysia
If the Power of Attorney is executed outside West Malaysia, it must be witnessed by any of the following officers:
- Public Witness
- Commissioner of Oaths
- Any Judge
- Magistrate
- British Consul or Deputy
- Representative to the Queen of Britain
- Any Malaysian Consular Officer abroad
- Hajj Commissioner, if performed in Saudi Arabia
- Advocates and Solicitors of the Supreme Court of Singapore or officers of companies carrying out bank duties in the Republic of Singapore and incorporated by and under the relevant written Laws of the Republic.
How the Confirmation Form Should Be Made
Section 3 and the First Schedule of the Power of Attorney Act 1949 provide for the form of confirmation as follows:
If implemented by Individuals
By using the confirmation format in Form 1, First Schedule of the Act.
If carried out by the Company
By using the confirmation format in Form 11, First Schedule of the Act.
Each completed Surat Kuala Wakil should be stamped first at the Revenue and Stamp Office in the states of West Malaysia before being submitted for registration at the Registry Office of the High Court of Malaya.
Cara Pendaftaran Dokumen Surat Kuasa Wakil
- Two (2) sets of Power of Attorney documents must be provided:
- One (1) original copy of the Power of Attorney document (for personal storage; and
- One (1) duplicate copy of the Power of Attorney document (to be filed and submitted to the court)
- The signing of the Power of Attorney must be witnessed by certain parties:
- in Peninsular Malaysia;
- Magistrate;
- Conciliator;
- Land administrator;
- Notary Public;
- Commissioner of Oaths;
- Advocates and Solicitors; or
- Officers for companies carrying out bank duties registered under written laws in Peninsular Malaysia.
- The Power of Attorney document completed by the above witnesses must be in the form provided in the Power of Attorney Act 1949 as follows;
- FORM I : Verification format for individuals
- FORM II : Confirmation Format for Companies
- outside Peninsular Malaysia:
- The Power of Attorney Act 1949 does not provide a special format to be followed, but a form of confirmation of testimony by the above witnesses must be included.
- Notary Public;
- Commissioner of Oaths;
- Any Judge;
- Magistrate;
- British Consul or British Vice-Consul;
- Representative to Her Majesty or the Queen of Great Britain;
- Malaysian Consul;
- For documents completed in Saudi Arabia by the Malaysian Pilgrimage Commissioner;
- For documents executed in Singapore by Advocates and Solicitors of the Supreme Court of Singapore; or
- For documents executed in Singapore by an Officer for a company carrying out bank functions in the Republic of Singapore and incorporated in accordance with any written law of the Republic.
- The Power of Attorney Act 1949 does not provide a special format to be followed, but a form of confirmation of testimony by the above witnesses must be included.
- in Peninsular Malaysia;
- Two (2) sets of Power of Attorney documents must be provided:
Cancellation of Power of Attorney
Via Cancellation Notice
Every instrument giving power of attorney of which a copy has been deposited or registered in the office of the Senior Assistant Registrar pursuant to the Act shall remain in force until:
- Written notice of cancellation is received from the authority
- Written notice of its release is received from the assignee
- The grantor or beneficiary dies
- The beneficiary becomes insane
- The grantor was declared insane
- The grantor is declared bankrupt
Each cancellation notice must be filed with the original copy of the Power of Attorney to be revoked. Each cancellation registration will be charged a fee of RM10/- for processing purposes.
Lasting Power of Attorney
Permanent Power of Attorney (Irrevocable Power of Attorney) is where it is stated whether the Power of Attorney is "Permanent" or "Irrevocable for a fixed time", will not be canceled by the death of the parties, insanity or bankruptcy and so on.
Total Fees for Registration of Power of Attorney Documents and Power of Attorney Cancellation Documents
Registration of Power of Attorney documents:
- Registration RM25
- Deposit RM10
- Each sheet before
- completion part RM2
- Registration of Power of Attorney cancellation documents:
- Registration RM10
- Each sheet before
- completion part RM2
This pamphlet is only general information about the Power of Attorney and how to register it as illustrated is brief and subject to amendments to the current act and regulations.
Persediaan Untuk Perbicaraan Di Mahkamah Rendah
- Apakah itu perbicaraan?
- Perbicaraan ialah satu proses pengumpulan fakta sebelum sesuatu keputusan dibuat oleh Majistret atau hakim.
- Apa itu tuntutan sivil?
- Tuntutan sivil adalah pertikaian di antara dua atau lebih pihak yang melibatkan isu perundangan.
- Contoh tuntutan sivil:
- Gantirugi untuk kecederaan diri
- Kemalangan jalanraya
- Pelanggaraan kontrak
- Pertikaian mengenai harta
- Pertikaian di antara tuan tanah dan penyewa
- Adakah saya boleh mewakili diri sendiri tanpa peguam?
- Ya, setiap orang mempunyai hak untuk mewakili diri sendiri di mahkamah.
- Kerumitan isu-isu khusus dan risiko yang ada perlu dipertimbangkan jika anda ingin meneruskan kes tanpa peguam.
- Sekiranya anda mengalami kesukaran apabila mewakili diri sendiri ketika kes sedang berjalan, anda masih mempunyai pilihan untuk melantik peguam.
- Walaubagaimanapun, bagi nilai tuntutan berjumlah di bawah RM5000 (Kes Tuntutan Kecil), anda diwajibkan mewakili diri sendiri.
- Badan-badan korporat hanya boleh memulakan atau membela diri dalam tindakan sivil melalui peguam.
- Kenal pasti dan ketahui undang-undang dan prosedur yang terpakai kepada kes.
- Patuhi tempoh masa untuk pemfailan dan penyerahan dokumen.
- Sentiasa bersedia untuk perbicaraan.
- (4) Di mana saya hendak memfailkan tuntutan sivil?
- Tuntutan hendaklah difailkan di pejabat pendaftaran mahkamah yang berkaitan. Jumlah fi tertentu hendaklah dibayar.
- Apakah tindakan saya yang seterusnya?
- Setelah tuntutan difailkan, anda perlu menyerahkannya kepada pihak yang satu lagi dalam tempoh masa yang ditetapkan.
Sebelum Perbicaraan
Pihak-pihak hendaklah memfailkan ikatan dokumen dan ikatan pliding yang mengandungi penyataan tuntutan, penyataan pembelaan, tuntutan balas (jika ada) dan jawapan.
Pihak-pihak hendaklah saling bertukar ikatan dokumen tersebut sekurang-kurangnya 14 hari sebelum perbicaraan.
Semasa Perbicaraan
Apakah yang berlaku semasa perbicaraan?
- Plaintif - Pihak menuntut
- Defendan - Pihak dituntut
- Plaintif mesti membuktikan tuntutannyaterhadap Defendan.
- Plaintif akan memanggil saksi untuk memberi keterangan semasa pemeriksaan utama2. Saksi ini akan disoal dalam pemeriksaan balas3 oleh Defendan dan kemudiannya akan disoal semula oleh Plaintif di dalam pemeriksaan semula4.
- Defendan pula kaan memanggil saksinya. Defendan perlu menimbulkan dan membuktikan pembelaan terhadap apa yang dituntut oleh Plaintif.
- Selepas kedua-dua belah pihak menutup kes masing-masing, hujahan5 akan diberikan.
Selepas Perbicaraan
Selepas pihak-pihak menggulung kes masing-masing, di akhir perbicaraan keputusan akan diberikan.
Apakah itu keputusan?
Keputusan adalah penghakiman atau perintah mahkamah. Ia akan diberikan serta-merta selepas penutupan perbicaraan ataupun pada hari yang lain. Jika diberikan pada hari lain, pihak-pihak akan dimaklumkan untuk hadir pada tarikh tersebut.
Apa akan berlaku jika salah satu pihak tidak melaksanakan keputusan mahkamah?
Perintah pelaksanaan hendaklah dipohon oleh pihak yang terkilan.
Bagaimana jika saya tidak berpuas hati dengan penghakiman?
Rayuan boleh difailkan. Bagi rayuan ke Mahkamah Tinggi, Notis Rayuan mesti difailkan dalam tempoh 14 hari dari tarikh penghakiman diberikan di pejabat pendaftaran mahkamah di mana keputusan tersebut dibuat.
- Semua dokumen yang hendak dirujuk semasa perbicaraan seperti laporan polis, laporan perubatan dan gambar-gambar yang dikumpulkan dalam satu ikatan.
- Pemeriksaan seseorang saksi oleh pihak yang memanggilnya.
- Pemeriksaan seseorang saksi oleh pihak lawan.
- Jika seseorang saksi telah diperiksa balas dan kemudiannya diperiksa oleh pihak yang telah memanggilnya.
- Kesimpulan bagi semua keterangan dan hujah-hujah pihak-pihak di akhir perbicaraan.
- Terdapat 4 lapisan gred jawatan bagi Kumpulan Pengurusan Tertinggi iaitu :
- Turus/Khas Turus
- JUSA A/Khas A
- JUSA B/Khas B
- JUSA C/Khas C
- Bidang jawatan Kumpulan Pengurusan dan Profesional (P&P) ini dapat diklasifikasikan seperti berikut :
- Strategik
- Merangkumi bidang Perancangan, Dasar dan Penyelidikan
- Pengurusan dan Operasi
- Merangkumi bidang Operasi, Khidmat Pengurusan dan Fungsi Sokongan
- Pakar Dengan Kelayakan (PK)
- Bagi Skim Perkhidmatan Pegawai Perubatan dan Pegawai Pergigian
- Pakar Bidang Khusus (PBK)
- Bagi mengiktiraf Kepakaran Khusus Individu (rate for the person)
- Strategik
- Perkhidmatan Awam Kejat di bawah SBPA
- Perkhidmatan Awam Kejat adalah penyesuaian saiz dan penggunaan sumber manusia yang optimum bagi mewujudkan perkhidmatan awam yang berprestasi tinggi. Ia bertujuan menggemblengkan tenaga kerja sedia ada melalui penjajaran semula fungsi agensi yang bertindih, pengawalan pengisian jawatan-jawatan kosong dan pewujudan jawatan baharu serta pengagihan semula perjawatan ke agensi yang lebih memerlukan.
- Mengapa perkhidmatan Puan Lim tidak diambil kira dalam pengiraan tempoh untuk pencen berbanding dengan Puan Aishah dan Encik Muthu
- Merujuk kepada slide presentation yang telah dibentangkan oleh YBhg Dato Yeow Chin Kiong, perkhidmatan Puan Lim tidak boleh diambil kira kerana beliau tidak dilantik semula pada atau selepas 1.1.2012. Manakala Puan Aishah dan Encik Muthu telah dilantik semula selepas 1.1.2012. Ini kerana dasar kebolehalihan bagi mengambil kira tempoh perkhidmatan lepas yang terputus tanpa pelepasan dengan izin atau kerana diselangi dengan tempoh perkhidmatan selain sektor awam, pegawai tersebut dilantik semula pada atau selepas 1.1.2012.
- Berkenaan dengan pelantikan semula pegawai ke dalam perkhidmatan awam setelah berkhidmat dalam sektor swasta atau bersara, pelantikan serta syarat-syarat pelantikan adalah tertakluk kepada ketetapan Pihak Berkuasa Melantik yang berkenaan. Bagi kes pelantikan semula yang melibatkan pegawai yang telah bersara, pencen beliau boleh digantung sepanjang tempoh beliau dilantik semula sebagai seorang pegawai tetap di bawah seksyen 23, Akta Pencen 1980 (Akta 227)
- Adakah jika di dalam borang opsyen dinyatakan gaji pada 1/4/2012 bermaksud kenaikan gaji hanya akan bermula pada April? Maka, gaji sebelum ini masih kekal sehinggalah April?
- Pemindahan gaji ke SBPA (bagi yang bersetuju memilih SBPA) akan akan berkuatkuasa pada 1.1.2012. Maka, setiap pegawai/kakitangan yang memilih SBPA akan menerima gaji SBPA pada tarikh berkenaan. Tarikh Pergerakan Gaji (TPG) baru yang dinyatakan dalam borang opsyen merupakan TPG puan selepas berkuatkuasa SBPA. Oleh yang demikian, puan akan menerima pergerakan gaji pada setiap tahun pada 1 April. Ini bermakna, puan akan menerima gaji SBPA pada 1.1.2012 dan sekali lagi menerima pergerakan gaji pada tangga gaji berikutnya pada 1 April 2012.